вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.


Hardware rendering requires at least bit color graphics. Each concurrent user may run up to four concurrent applications. There is no restriction on the number of simultaneous sessions that the designated user may run. You can install the COMSOL Multiphysics software on one designated computer and different users can take turns using the software on that computer, one user at a time. The CSL allows you to host and run those applications within your organization and also to those outside your organization who time share your concurrent user slots, worldwide. comsol 4.4 license

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The CSL allows you to host and run those applications within your organization and also to those outside your organization who time share your concurrent user slots, worldwide. There is no restriction on the number of simultaneous sessions that the one user may run. Alternatively, you can run the software on a remote computer over your network.

For local use, there commsol no restriction on the number of simultaneous sessions that one concurrent user may run.

Download COMSOL Multiphysics® Software

Hardware rendering requires at least bit color graphics. This website uses cookies to function and to improve your experience. Licensed per concurrent user, you can install the software on as many machines on your network as needed within your country or territory.

If libwebkitgtk is not installed, the help system still functions but will open in a separate window. See System Requirements for detailed requirements. These requirements are common to all platforms: Floating Network License Clmsol Licensed per concurrent user, you can comskl the software on as many machines on your network as needed within your country or territory.

comsol 4.4 license

You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' or the latest version listed if standards is not an option. Software rendering also supports bit color graphics.

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You may replace the designated user we have on file for the license on a temporary or permanent basis no more than two 2 times a year, provided that only one licensed user is designated to us as the Named User, at any given time. Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U. The ASL allows you to host and run those applications for students, faculty, and staff of your academic institution or of any other academic institution, worldwide. For further recommendations concerning hardware, please see our Knowledge Base entry.

Ubuntu is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd.

The software is usually provided with your hardware. Debian is a registered trademark of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our use of cookies. Licensed on a concurrent user basis, each concurrent user may run up to four concurrent applications. GNU C Library version 2. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' or the latest version listed if standards is not an comspl.

Comsol license file

Licensed on a concurrent user basis. The CPU version of the software may not be accessed or used over a network or remotely.

comsol 4.4 license

The Nouveau video driver is only supported for software rendering. COMSOL AB and its subsidiaries and products are not affiliated with, endorsed by, sponsored by, or supported by these trademark owners. All xomsol and technical support are provided for the 12 months following the purchase. Systems and hardware change regularly, which may impact any determination of what system requirements are appropriate for you. A single named individual may use the cimsol simultaneously on at most two computers.

There is no restriction on the number of simultaneous sessions that a concurrent user may run on a local computer.

comsol 4.4 license

Log Out Log In Contact. For performance reasons, we recommend that the graphics card has at least MB memory. There is no restriction on the number of simultaneous sessions that the designated user may run. With respect to cluster computing and cluster sweeps, a single model may be run on multiple compute nodes with no restriction on the number of compute nodes. You can install the COMSOL Liicense software on one designated computer and different users can take turns using the software on that computer, one user at a time.

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